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I have started to further enhance the DirectX 11 Scene by implementing an Entity-Component-System architecture which favours composition over inheritence. This architecture eliminates the need for unnecessarily large inheritance hierarchies but executes logic on data only if it exists for an entity in the game. 


As an example, I have mapped components to an entities' ID. A physics system will search for a physics and transform component based on a list of entity IDs and operate on them if they exist. The render system then searches for render and transform components for each entity ID and draw it if it requires drawing. Else, there is no need to draw an object for an ID.


The next step for this project is to create a list of entity IDs, create all the components and initialise the systems from a configuration file. I will implement this system through TinyXML file parsing. The Entity Manager will be responsible for reading a list of entities information, component manager will be responsible for reading components information and systems manager responsible for reading initial systems information.

Gallery currently unavailable - Check back soon!

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