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In Development: Source code to be released...

The ePad companion app is a collaborative project with another software engineer designed to allow players of Elite: Dangerous a way to track their commanders' statistics while simultaneously playing the game.


The statistics are pulled from "Journal" log files produced by the Elite client. These files are serialised JSON files so we can deserialise this and publish the data to a GUI. This data is also published to a MongoDB database on the cloud so if a user might play the game on a new machine, the journal files will refresh but the data is persistent. 

Gallery currently unavailable - Check back soon!

My partner was responsible for developing the GUI using the SlimDX API in C#, while I was responsible for developing the data-access layer and domain logic.


I was included in this project in-order to enhance my C# knowledge as well as my understanding of SOLID principles and typical design patterns required to solve common problems. 


I have also used Microsoft's Unity Framework to inject dependencies, Moq to mock objects for unit tests and Newtonsoft's JSON Serialiser/Deserialiser. 


As of current, the code base for this program is in its infancy. We are currently working on making enhance the code base with a view to make the program open-source.

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